Saturday, September 26, 2009

Organic Bedding 101

Having the best feeling, softest, and nicest bedding can make a world of difference for the amount of and kind of rest you get each night. Buying and using organic bedding is the best way to ensure that you'll have a peaceful and restful night's sleep.

Most non-organic bedding is made of a 50/50 blend. The blend is typically 50 percent non-organic cotton and 50 percent polyester. Polyester is made from a petrochemical blend. And cotton sheets are made differently. In the production of non-organic cotton, farmers use large amounts of pesticides.

Although measures are always taken to protect those who buy and sleep on these non-organic cotton products, the chemicals still have an effect on the environment and can still have an effect on the lives of those using the products.

Organic bedding is chemical free and can be from a variety of organic fibers, including cotton, silk, and wool. Organic silk, made from silk worms, is especially soft. Organic wool, on the other hand, has a very good insulating system, keeping you warm in the winter. It is also fire resistant, just one benefit to using this organic fiber in your bedding. Organic cotton is being grown all over the world now. There are even companies who have created hybrid cotton that comes in more colors than just white.

Bedding made of organic fibers and materials feel very soft to the touch, and are, therefore, much more comfortable for your family to sleep on. Organic cotton bedding breathes better the 50/50 blends. And this helps to prevent any irritation to the skin that is common with the other kinds of beddings.

The production and buying of organic beddings is also much better for the environment than if you were to buy non-organic beddings. Spraying chemicals and pesticides is not only unhealthy to humans but is also unhealthy to the environment: these sprays deteriorate and deplete the Earth's ozone layer. The elimination of the use of these pesticides and chemicals will lead to a healthier environment for all.

The care and upkeep of organic bedding can be a little more troublesome than non-organic bedding. If you find importance in smooth, unwrinkled sheets, then you will have to spend time ironing organic bedding. Since organic bedding is without chemicals, they are much more wrinkle-prone than the non-organic varieties. But if this is important to you it should not discourage you from purchasing organic bedding. The benefits of organic bedding heavily outweigh the negatives of the bedding.

Organic bedding is also a little bit more expensive than non-organic bedding because of the lack of farmers growing the organic fibers and because it is a relatively new method of growing fibers for bedding. But, once again, do not be discouraged by the price tag of organic beddings. The environmental and health benefits greatly outweigh a couple extra dollars taken from your wallet. With the continuously increasing interest in organic products, the price of organic bedding is sure to decrease and become more affordable for the average person interested in doing their part for the environment and for themselves.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why Certified Organic Clothes for Baby?

Although it seems there are plenty of "organic" clothes for your baby in the current retail stores, many of them are misleading and are not made with the health and safety of your child as a priority. It is important when purchasing organic clothes for your baby, that you can trust the manufacturer and the integrity of their commitment to the safety and comfort of your baby. Many conventional clothing items (especially night time clothing) have been treated with harsh, toxic chemicals to make the clothing flame resistant. Clothing is so important, because it touches your baby’s skin most of the day. Considering the skin is the largest organ in human body, it’s important to keep it protected.

Did you know that approximately 1/3 pound of chemicals go into the production of one conventional tee shirt?!

100% organic fabric is made without any harmful chemicals and pesticides. It is also not bleached by the conventional chlorine bleach process which has a harmful chemical residue, dioxide. Organic fabric is also dyed using natural resources, not traditional chemical dyes. Many of these harmful chemicals are not talked about or even disclaimed to the consumer or the government.

Organic cotton is not only safer it is proven to be softer and gentler on your baby’s skin. Try to buy clothes that are Certified 100% Organic Cotton – this way you’ll ensure you’re not buying a blend of traditionally grown cotton and organic cotton. This would defeat the purpose of purchasing organic products.

Give your baby the best and don’t compromise because of cheaper prices or marketing ploys. Research and ask questions about the clothing you’re buying. Even "organic" products can be manufactured in sweatshops. Make sure the organic clothing you buy is both grown and manufactured responsibly, using fair trade practices.

You can find a large selection of organic clothes for your baby at We are a trusted online store that has a proven track record of providing authentic organic clothes for your baby. At Stacy's Organic Boutique we are very selective about the products we choose to offer our customers. I am a Mother with Two children who, like you, only want the best for our families. We’ve done our homework and have made it simple and easy to find organic clothing you can feel good about. You will never have to worry about second guessing your purchases at Stacy's Organic Boutique Store. Visit often and look for specials and promotions.

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Author: Jenn Savedge
Courtesy of: The Green Parent

1. Going Green Saves Green

The essence of going green is to use less! Less electricity, less water, and less stuff. And guess what, the good news is that using less actually saves you money. Conserve energy and you'll have a lower electric bill and need less fuel at the pump. Reduce waste and you'll spend less at the store and have lower trash removal fees. And fix your leaky faucets and you'll not only conserve water, you'll also slash the cost of your annual water bill. Now, who couldn't use a little more green?

2. A Clean Bill of Health

We rely on the environment for more than aesthetics and commodities. It is literally the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. Air pollution, global warming, acid rain, and water pollution deteriorate the environment as well as your health. Protecting the environment means protecting these resources and ensuring that your family has access to clean water, healthy foods, and fresh air.

3. It's For The Birds

Contrary to popular belief, we are not the only species on the planet. Every bird, mammal, fish, and tree depends upon the environment for its survival. And even if you are not an avid bird-watcher, the survival of one species is inextricably linked to the survival of the others. You may not notice when one plant or bird species becomes extinct, but as the number of species on the planet becomes threatened, the pressure on the environment builds up, affecting the survival of humans.

4. So I Can Look My Kids In The Eye

There is an old Native American adage that says, "We did not inherit the Earth from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children." One of my obligations as a parent is to ensure that my children have the same access to nature that I enjoy. When I am old and gray and bouncing my grandkids on your lap, I'll be glad that are growing up in a clean, healthy environment.

5. Raising 'Em Right

No matter how hard I try to teach my children to do the right thing, they will inevitably learn from what I do rather than what I say. If I show my children that I care about the environment by making environmentally-friendly choices, they will (hopefully) follow my lead. Raising children who understand their connection to the environment is one of the most eco-friendly impacts you can make.

6. Give The Economy A Boost

You do not have to choose between protecting the environment and supporting the economy. Eco-friendly choices drive a free-market economy. Industries such as farming, fishing, and tourism, rely on the health of the environment. Innovative technologies and products that protect the environment create new high-paying jobs. Using the marketplace for eco-friendly products is a win-win solution for consumers and businesses. So by going green, I am helping to foster a strong economy.

Organic and eco-friendly products allow parents to feel safe and secure about the choices they make for their baby. Stacy's Organic Boutique is dedicated to providing a large selection of organic clothing for baby, safe and lead free toys, organic cloth diapers, organic baby bedding, and eco-friendly furniture. High-style, high-quality and most importantly, good for baby and the environment!
Welcome to Stacy's Organic Boutique!

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